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Category News

Business expense allowance for freelancers.

Business expense allowance for freelancers.

As from tax year 2019 (income year 2018) self-employed individuals and independent contractors can benefit from the same business expense allowance as employees. Before, freelancers were always required to prove their actual business expenses, as it was not allowed for…

New rules for benefits paid by affiliated companies abroad.

New rules for benefits paid by affiliated companies abroad.

Social security: extended interpretation of ‘salary’ Only recently, the Belgian authorities have amended their interpretation of the definition of ‘salary’ for social security purposes (Administrative instruction Nr. 2018/03). This new interpretation – not necessarily compliant with the letter of the…

New exit rules for Belgian tax benefits.

New exit rules for Belgian tax benefits.

New exit rules for Belgian tax benefits: better to leave on the 15th instead of the 14th? Last week the Belgian tax authorities published an administrative guideline on the prorating and limitation of certain tax benefits, deductions and allowances in…