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How bitcoins are taxed in Belgium?

How bitcoins are taxed in Belgium?

Bitcoin itself does not really require any introduction. It is a peer-to-peer payment system and digital currency. Often referred to as a ‘cryptocurrency’, because it uses cryptography to control the creation and transfer of money. The lack of regulation is…

Belgian corporate tax refor

Belgian corporate tax refor

About a year after first presenting his ambitious corporate tax reform plan, the Belgian Finance Minister has now given the green light to implement a general tax reform as from 2018. Most new measures were copied from last year’s memorandum,…

Stock options & management companies

Stock options & management companies

In a circular letter of 13 April 2017 (nr. 2017/C/21), the Belgian tax authorities further clarify the tax treatment of stock options granted to managers who work with a management company. According to the Belgian stock option law of 26…

Belgium and Japan sign new tax treaty

Belgium and Japan sign new tax treaty

Belgium and Japan have signed a new tax treaty which is to replace the current treaty of 1968, that was amended in 1988 and 2010. According to the new treaty, dividends will be subject to a maximum withholding tax (WHT)…